


4 Reasons Why Visual Intelligence is Essential to Maintenance

Between asset management, personnel management, and equipment repair, facility maintenance is filled with moving parts that requires time to analyze. There is often no rest for the weary as facility managers work to keep facility operations running smoothly and prevent key equipment failure.

With the release of TD’s Visual Intelligence platform, facility managers now have access to video and photo maintenance reports performed by technicians. This is a huge step forward thanks to the amount of information that can be packed into a few minutes of video content.

We showcase four reasons why the Visual Intelligence platform, or simply video reporting in general, is essential to maintenance.

1. Manage Assets More Easily

Asset management is one of a facility manager’s most challenging assignments. Knowing whether to keep maintaining or replace equipment isn’t an easy call and requires budgeting in advance. Understanding how your equipment is performing over time and what technicians experience during a repair can tell you quite a bit about equipment longevity.

Through video reports, not only will you receive information about the current repair (i.e. an infrared test for electrical systems), but recommendations are offered about next maintenance steps, or in some cases, if there is a need for investment in a replacement.

While TD’s Visual Intelligence isn’t an asset management tool, the information provided can give you a visual confirmation that budgeting for new equipment will be required. Having video to backup a request for budget can go a long way.

2. Get Notified Wherever You Are, However You Prefer

Facility management doesn’t end when you leave the facility. When a repair is complete and the video report for your HVAC system is uploaded, as an example, you can set your preference for communication — email, text, or viewing your video report in the Visual Intelligence portal.

By offering multiple options to keep you in the know for your maintenance repairs, you can confidently be sure you’ll be kept up to date.

In today’s digital world, having the convenience of keeping up with your facility — even when remote — is the expectation that must be met.

3. Always Know the Status of Maintenanced Equipment

You should always have the peace of mind that the equipment in your facility will function correctly, and part of accomplishing that is keeping up with previous maintenance work.

The Visual Intelligence platform lets you quickly review your equipment history, giving you the chance to update technicians and find new maintenance solutions more quickly. Additionally, you’ll be able to easily verify that there is compliance to the annual planned maintenance strategy.

4. Tie KPIs to Video Reports

If you believe your energy costs have been unusually high, video reports can be useful to determine the cause of a rise or dip in various maintenance KPIs. Whether those KPIs include energy costs, unplanned downtime, or time between failure, you can begin to tie trends in the data with technician reports.

In the example of an HVAC system, you can begin to track how a repair or cleaning of condenser coils affects cost efficiency. You can then start to more closely calculate the ROI of your planned maintenance efforts.

Try Visual Intelligence for Yourself

Want to learn more about video maintenance reporting? Want to try Visual Intelligence for yourself?

Click the link below.  

Recap maintenance work orders via video and photo. TD’s cloud-based Visual Intelligence platform is live. Learn more.

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