


Victoria Yates Starts A Career In Construction

Victoria Yates has the drive to be successful. A business degree, IT certification, and her own side business would appear to point her toward financial success.

What she didn’t have was on-the-job experience. 


But now, Victoria is in the THRIVE program, and she’s hoping to make a lifelong career in sheet metal and whatever growth opportunities come from it.


Victoria graduated with a business administration and management degree; however, without experience, it was a hard sell to employers. She returned to school to get her IT certification and followed that career until she was laid off during an acquisition three years ago.


She searched for her true calling after that, starting her own hair care business, which she continues on the side. Victoria actually considered a construction career out of college, but had dismissed it to pursue other careers. Now with a second chance at construction, she’s not letting it pass.

“When I got the email (about THRIVE), I was so excited about it. ‘Oh, this is my way in,’ I said,” Victoria revealed.


Victoria lives in Houston, while most of her family is located in Phoenix, AZ, another city in which TD operates. She’s very passionate about making things, and was attracted to the hands-on aspect of creating materials.

“I just wanted to be a well-rounded person in every area. I want it to be seamless from my home life to my job life.”

“I was always ready to go, but I’ve been stagnant because, ‘Where am I going?’ Now I see where I’m going. … Look out for me, I’m comin’.”

                -Victoria Yates

Categories: Women in Construction