


Facility Management Cost-Savings with Video Maintenance Reporting

The newly launched Visual Intelligence platform is changing the way TD reports its maintenance activity to facility managers, giving them a more convenient way to brief themselves on the status of their equipment.


Video maintenance reporting is not only adding convenience for facility managers, though, but also the potential for massive cost-savings. When reporting is streamlined and more thorough, there are more opportunities to streamline maintenance operations.

This blog walks through four distinct ways that the Visual Intelligence platform can save money when leveraged to its potential.

1. Less Time Used Reviewing Maintenance, Confirming Completion of Work

If nothing else, video maintenance reporting gives facility managers a huge amount of one of their most precious resources — time. Facility managers must do their due diligence to ensure maintenance was completed and that the job was done well.

Before, this confirmation process would involve reviewing tedious written reports and then, once the summary of the maintenance is understood, to inspect the work after the fact. This is a time-consuming process, but a necessary one if the tools for a visual walkthrough aren’t available.

Thankfully, the Visual Intelligence platform gives technicians the opportunity to streamline this process for facility managers, giving them a complete summary of the work in video form in a matter of minutes. Rather than spending time making sense of what maintenance was or wasn’t done for an HVAC system, boiler, or control panel, facility managers can instead use the video as a starting point to quickly review and confirm that a job was done to their liking.

2. Less Time Wasted on Rework

As little time as possible should be spent on rework, but unfortunately there are those occasions where maintenance rework must be done.

Visual Intelligence helps cut the amount of rework in any given year and accomplishes two things in this regard:

First, the video overview of the maintenance work order can help both the technician and the facility manager ensure that the necessary job was done to specifications, safeguarding against the need for revisiting the same problem in a short time.

Secondly, in the worst-case scenario that equipment must be revisited after maintenance, the visual report gives both the technician and facility manager a starting point for where to begin rework, reducing the amount of time a technician would have to study the equipment to understand where to begin the rework process.

3. Less Money Spent on Preventative Maintenance

For facility managers attempting to achieve the holy grail of 20% or less preventative maintenance work, Visual Intelligence is certainly helpful. This is especially true for the most essential equipment for operations (HVAC, plumbing, electrical systems, etc.).

Technicians will not only complete the maintenance at hand (including emergency situations) but will also offer suggestions in a video report for planned maintenance in the future. The more resources that can be invested in planned maintenance, the more long-term saving opportunities will be created.

Emergency maintenance is inherently more expensive, regardless of vendor. Gaining more strategic direction for maintenance activities can quickly add up if the suggestions are adopted.

4. Less Time Catching Up Technicians on Equipment Specifications

The Visual Intelligence platform isn’t only useful for storing and sharing video content, but also keeping an archive of up-to-date equipment specifications with a history of repairs.

Regardless of technician, there are far too many scenarios where equipment specifications are not updated or must be researched. This takes time that should be spent on repair or a facility audit, not hunting for information that should be readily available.

For facility managers wanting to give technicians an upper hand, uploading equipment specifications with the visual assets makes it all too easy to get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

Test Out Visual Intelligence for Yourself

Ready to try out video maintenance reporting and realize the associated cost savings yourself?

You can learn more about the platform and what you can expect from TD maintenance reports through the link below.

Recap maintenance work orders via video and photo. TD’s cloud-based Visual Intelligence platform is live. Learn more.


Categories: Blog