


HVAC Risks to Keep in Mind as Summer Heat Begins

According to a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, students don't learn as well when classrooms get hot. Although school's out for summer, this research shines light on the importance of HVAC maintenance and the negative impact a hot facility can manifest. 

As the weather gets much hotter, HVAC systems around the country will work hard to keep occupants and equipment cool throughout the summer and into the fall. More than other kinds of maintenance, HVAC maintenance is seasonal with a few exceptions. Spring serves as preparation time for the summer while autumn is usually prep for the winter.

Now that the summer's in session and much of the initial prep work has likely been done, there are still some maintenance pointers to keep in mind as your HVAC systems kick into high gear. Even if you went through all the necessary steps earlier in the year in anticipation of the summer, this list still applies.

So grab some lemonade or an Arnold Palmer and keep reading.

1. Replace Filters Regularly

This is the most simple and regular step of HVAC maintenance, but it is also often the most ignored. Changing the air filter becomes even more vital in the summer months. As dust and other contaminants enter the system, the harder the system must work to keep the facility cool. Hot temperatures will already be prompting the HVAC to use more energy than usual, but adding another layer of work will only raise the risk of a system failure. This step can’t be stressed enough and should be looked at monthly.

2. Consider an Energy Audit

As your HVAC system toils to keep everyone cool, operational costs are likely to rise as a result. This could be a good time to compare to previous summer seasons to see if you’re improving your energy efficiency and if you can do anything in the present to bring those costs down. The audit will likely focus on the efficiency of your HVAC system. It will be easier to test new methods of energy saving and if they can make an impact to your maintenance and/or operational budget.

3. Install New HVAC Controls to Monitor Energy Use and Performance

As new control systems are released, the greater their capabilities when detecting energy consumption and overall performance. While planned maintenance will still be vital for all HVAC systems in the foreseeable future, newer control systems can help facility managers detect potential problems before they occur (predictive maintenance). Combine that with better data of your system’s energy use, and you can make better maintenance plan decisions.

4. Keep the Evaporator and Condenser Coils Clean

To keep your HVAC running at peak performance, you’ll need to keep your evaporator and condenser coils clean. These coils transfer heat and guide that heat out of your facility. If these are not cleaned on a regular basis, your HVAC system will expend more energy to perform at optimal levels. Do this to keep energy costs down and extend the life of your overall system.

Keep Planned Maintenance Going Strong

Air filter replacements and coil cleaning can all be accomplished through a planned maintenance program. Energy audits and control systems are there to enhance your planned maintenance and help you make the right steps to improve your program.

Beyond HVAC, you can download the guide below to see how you can mitigate other risks in your facility through a comprehensive planned maintenance program.

risk evaluation checklist facility maintenance

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